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Why Your Business Needs Hosted Desktop Services

Any traditional office environment will house dozens if not hundreds of desktop computers used by employees to manage their work every day. Many thousands of businesses rely on these machines for their essential day-to-day operations, and without them they would incur massive losses in working hours, productivity, and ultimately revenue. Large-scale companies have even gone […]

Apache for High Load and Performance using PHP-FPM

THE PROJECT. We require to setup a high performance Apache Server which can also deal with a large amount of simultaneous connections. During our research we decided to use: Apache, PHP-FPM and Centos 7. During testing and research we also decided to use the Apache Handler MPM-EVENT as it showed a improvement in performance. The […]

The Top 5 Event Management Solutions

Organizing events can include many repetitive and time-consuming tasks, which can eat away at the time spent doing more productive or interesting work. Tasks such as budget management, collecting feedback, and event registration can give even the most experienced event manager a headache. Luckily, planners now have a vast array of event management software at […]

How To: MikroTik Router With NAT And VPN Access (CLI)

This technical guide will show you how to setup a Mictrotik router with 1:1 NAT translation and secure VPN access, over the command line. 1. Performing Initial Setup Inital setup must be done over the command line interface (CLI) Login on the system by the default admin and password. The first thing to do is […]

How To Setup A MikroTik Router With NAT And VPN Access (GUI)

This technical guide will show you how to setup a Mictrotik router with 1:1 NAT translation and secure VPN access. 1. Performing Initial Setup Inital setup must be done over the command line interface (CLI) Login on the system by the default admin and password. The first thing to do is identify the network interfaces […]

Introducing Sitepad – The Ultimate Website Builder

2018 is here and as part of our upcoming product releases, we are pleased to announce that we will be offering Sitepad Website Builder hosting packages to all customers. Sitepad will be preconfigured and accessible through cPanel with the Softaculous Apps installer, so you don’t have to worry about installing extra software. In this blog […]