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Project Management software on Softaculous
Softaculous provides a number of Project-Management software that you can use for your business.
While the popular one within cPanel (and Softaculous) is WooCommerce by WordPress, there are a number of others that you can use as well.
We will quickly review some of the major Project Management software that you can utilize within Softaculous

Here are some of the important project management software within Softaculous:

All the instructions for these installations are pretty much similar.
You have to click on install – and then there are two options (like with other Softaculous software) – Quick Install and Advanced installation.
In most cases, the quick install button will suffice, where you don’t have to delve into code. However, more advanced users can try the advanced installation option which gives you option to edit the database details as well.
Go give these project management softwares a try. They may help you save a buck perhaps.