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How To Fix Mixed Content Issues

I installed a SSL but the website still shows insecure.

One of the most common issues after installing an SSL certificate and setting the HTTPS redirect, the website still shows as “Not Secure”.

Well, 99% of the time, this is simply because of Mixed content. This occurs when your page is loading over a secure HTTPS connection, but other resources (such as an image, a video, etc.) are loading over an insecure HTTP connection.


How to fix mixed content?

Before fixing anything, you’ll need to find the mixed content that’s causing this.

How to find your website mixed content?

  1. Browse your website over HTTPS.
  2. Press the F12 key.
  3. Click on the warning triangle.
  4. It will display in red (see below) the mixed content.

How to fix your website’s mixed content?

1. To fix a mixed content issue you simply need to find which content is still loading over HTTP.

2. Re-upload it over a secured connection, in other words, over HTTPS.

Need help?

If you need further assistance, or have any questions, please feel free to contact our technical team via our ticket system or via our live chat.

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