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Install Kubernetes clusters Package
UKHost4u Marketplace has a clusters category where you can find Kubernetes clusters solutions that can be automatically installed from there.
Important Note: Only billing clients can avail this cluster from the marketplace.

From the Kubernetes clusters frame, tailor the options according to your particular needs;
- Version: select the preferred version of Kubernetes for your clusters
- K8s Dashboard: choose among the v2 and Skooner options. Some of the Skooner options do not function with the HAProxy ingress controller.
- Topology
1. Development – one control-plane (1) and scalable worker (1+) each
2. Production – multi control-plane (3) along with API balancers (2+) and scalable workers (2+)
- Ingress Controller: Select the desired ingress controller for your Kubernetes clusters such as NGINX, Traefik, or HAProxy. NGINX provides extreme flexibility hence, we advise that.
- Deployment:
1. Clean clusters along with an example of pre-deployed HelloWorld.
2. Custom helm or stack deployed through shell command – this option allows you to manually give commands for custom application deployment from the helm repository.
- NFS Storage: allows linking a dedicated NFS storage along with dynamic volume provisioning
- Modules: it can also be activated with add-ons later,
1. Prometheus & Grafana – select to install these monitoring gears. We recommend this deployment. It also needs 5GB of extra disk space for constant volumes and consumes nearly 500 MB of RAM
2. Jaeger tracing tools – select to install Jaeger tracing mechanism for keeping a track and resolving issues
3. Remote API Access – in case you want to use kubectl or other command-line tools then choose this option.
- Environment: give a suitable name to your environment
- Display Name: mention an alias