How to Manage Database Users in cPanel

Creating and Managing Databases using MySQL in cPanel is very straightforward. To access MySQL, the user first need to create users.In MySQL, users are added to the database and assigned relevant usernames and passwords. Let’s look at managing database users in cPanel. First, login to cPanel. Now navigate to MySQL databases, in the Databases section. […]

How to Delete a MySQL Database in cPanel

MySQL is a widely-used open-source database management tool that enables users to efficiently manage their databases. Through its user-friendly interface, users can create, edit, delete, and manage existing MySQL databases with ease. To delete an existing MySQL database, users need to access the MySQL Databases section in cPanel. Below are the initial steps to follow […]

How to Repair a MySQL Database in cPanel

MySQL is an open-source database management tool and it allows users to manage databases. By manage, users can create, edit, delete or make changes in the databases.  To repair existing MySQL Databases, users need to open MySQL Databases in cPanel. Below are the steps that can be followed to delete a database in cPanel – […]

How To Delete A MySQL Database In Plesk

MySQL databases are used to store website data on your hosting account. Plesk conveniently allows the users to create, delete, and manage databases easily. Below are the steps to delete a MySQL Database in Plesk – 1. Login to the Plesk control panel. 2. Click on the ‘Databases’ option on the left side of the […]

How To Repair A MySQL Database In Plesk

MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that is based on SQL. RDBMS is a digital store collecting data and organizing it according to the relational model. In this relational model, tables consist of columns and rows and relations between elements follow a logical structure. Sometimes databases can become corrupted, broken, or otherwise non-functional. […]

How To Export A Database Dump In Plesk

A Database Dump is a huge output of data and can be used to take back up or duplicate a database. Databases are where data that’s being used by a website or application is stored. From time to time, users should export their account’s databases, so that they can restore them in case anything goes […]