How to Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) in WHM

Certificate Signing Requests, or CSRs, are generated by a server to be used in the process of creating an SSL certificate for a domain name. CSRs contain information about the domain name and the person requesting the SSL certificate, which will then be associated with the SSL certificate itself. Let’s look at generating a CSR […]

How To Restore A Hosting Account Backup In WHM

Web Hosting Manager is an admin dashboard that allows the users to access or make changes in cPanel Websites. cPanel hosting accounts can be backed up into a full backup/cpmove file, which can then be restored through WHM in a few clicks. Let’s look at restoring a full cPanel account backup with WHM. Login to […]

How To Manage The Mail Queue In WHM

Mail queues are formed when the SMTP server has many email messages queued up waiting to be delivered, to avoid sending too many messages from the same server at once – which can cause IP reputation issues. WHM allows you to manage the mail queue on your server and perform actions such as forcing delivery, […]

How To Check Service Status In WHM

Web Hosting Manager is the administrative dashboard to access and control hosting accounts and servers. It is mainly used to administrate VPS hosting services.  Users can also check service status in WHM for the services which are running on user’s server such as Apache, MySQL, Exim Below are the steps to check service status in […]

How To Edit A DNS Zone In WHM

DNS Zone is the specific portion in DNS (Domain Name Space). It is the admin space as it allows the control of the DNS components.  DNS Zones contain DNS records for domain names, which are pointers specifying the location on the internet of different areas of your website or hosting account. DNS Zones for hosting […]

How To Change Your Server Hostname In WHM

Web Host Manager provides the administrator rights of VPS (Virtual Private Server) to the user. Through WHM, users can create new accounts, add domains, change server hostname, and many other features. Eventually, you may need to change your server hostname, if your primary domain name has changed for example. Steps to change server hostname in […]