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Cloud Hosting: Environment Variables

Cloud Environment Variables

Environment variables are essential tools for managing cloud hosting control panels. They enhance the flexibility and portability of applications by allowing easy configuration and modification of parameters without altering the source code.

In this article, we will explore the most common uses of environment variables within cloud hosting control panels. These variables enable quick adjustments to specific values that are repeatedly used in your hosting configuration, simplifying maintenance and updates.

Additionally, environment variables allow you to configure your cloud hosting environment through a set of predefined values. These values can be used to enable or disable features, modify server behavior, adjust resource allocations, and more. By utilizing environment variables, administrators can create adaptable and scalable hosting environments.

We provide the cloud hosting control panel with a variety of default environment variables. These variables are designed to assist administrators in managing and optimising their hosting environments effectively. Through the strategic use of environment variables, administrators can ensure their cloud hosting control panels remain robust, flexible, and easy to manage.

Default Environment Variables

Below, you will find a comprehensive list of default environment variables used within UKhost4u PaaS containers.

PLEASE NOTE: Variables marked with “+” in the Editable column can be freely adjusted to customize your container. A restart is required to apply any changes made to these variables.

However, it is not recommended to adjust variables marked with “-” as such actions won’t apply any actual changes to the container and may disrupt internal logic.

UKHost4u-managed stacks provide several options through these environment variables, allowing for fine-tuned control and customization of your cloud hosting environment. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Customizable Variables (+):
    • These variables can be modified to tailor your container’s behavior and settings according to your specific needs.
    • Changes to these variables require a container restart to take effect.
    • Examples include memory allocation, logging levels, and feature toggles.
  2. Non-Editable Variables (-):
    • These variables are integral to the container’s internal operations and should not be altered.
    • Attempting to modify these variables will not result in any actual changes and may cause issues within the container.
    • Examples include system paths, internal service endpoints, and essential configuration flags.
  3. Common Options Across All Stacks:
    • UKHost4u provides a set of standard environment variables applicable to all managed stacks.
    • These options facilitate the management and configuration of various aspects of your hosting environment, such as resource limits, network settings, and security policies.

By understanding and appropriately utilizing these environment variables, you can effectively manage and optimise your UKhost4u PaaS containers, ensuring a stable and customized cloud hosting experience.

Variable NameEditable*Description
{SOFTWARE}_VERSIONA version of the specified software (stack, engine, template, module, etc).
CLONE_ON_SCALE+Defines if new nodes upon horizontal scaling should be clones of a layer’s master (true) or created from scratch (false).
DOCKER_EXPOSED_PORTLists ports from the EXPOSE directive of the image’s dockerfile, which were opened via container firewall during the environment creation.
JELASTIC_EXPOSE+Manages the auto-redirect functionality state with an ability to define the required port manually.
JELASTIC_PORTS+ (before env creation)Specifies custom ports, which should be opened in firewall during container creation.
MASTER_HOSTA short hostname for a master node within a layer.
MASTER_IDA unique node identifier of a master node within a layer.
MASTER_IPAn internal IP address of a master node within a layer.
ON_ENV_INSTALL+ (before env creation)A script (or link to it) to be executed after environment creation.
PATHA default shell variable, with a list of paths to directories with executable programs.
STACK_NAMEThe name of the current stack.
STACK_PATHThe home directory of the stack.
STACK_USERThe name of the stack’s default user.

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