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How To Use The Configuration File Manager
Cloud Configuration File Manager
UKhost4u Cloud configuration manager is a powerful tool, which allows to take control and manage all of the files within a particular container.
This allows you to easily and quickly apply some common configurations to your nodes. This can be done through the comfortable GUI right in your browser, without the need to establish an SSH connection that could be required for some complex operations.
To open the configuration manager, log in to your cloud platform and hover over the required node. Then click on the Config button, as below:

Directly on your UKhost4u dashboard, the configuration tab will be opened:

And the following sections will be available:
- Root (or File Manager): gives you access to the container’s local filesystem, where you can manage different settings within the configuration files of your app.
- Mount Points: list of folders, that are physically stored on the remote node but can be used at a current node.
- Exports: a list of folders, which are shared with other nodes. These files are stored locally but are also available at remote instances.
- Favorites: files and folders you’ve marked as favorites so that you have quick and simple access to them.
Working with the File Manager
UKhost4u Cloud Solutions Platform file manager gives easy and convenient access to your container files and allows you to perform the majority of common operations right through the dashboard.
PLEASE NOTE: You can also connect to a container via SSH in order to get even more possibilities for its management.
1. In the Root section of the configuration manager, you will see the file system architecture, with the path string and the Actions for the current directory expandable list in the tools pane above. These options provide the following functionality:
- Switch between directories within the path by clicking on any of the intermediate folders. Also, you can specify the target location manually by typing it in the appropriate input field, which appears upon clicking on the empty space wherever at the path bar.

- The action list contains a number of functions for the selected directory management, like content refresh, new item creation, the addition of the selected item to favorites, its deletion, or remote directory mounting.

2. Below the tools panel, you can see the files tree, intended for simple navigation between them and displaying additional information on the comprised files.
Within its columns, the following data is presented:
- Name: file name, which can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon.
- Size: disk space consumed by a file
- Last Modified: date of file creation or its last changing
- Type: category a file belongs to (where the available types are regular file, directory, named pipe, socket, character device, and block device)
PLEASE NOTE: Only the regular file type can be edited via the Config manager.
3. Each opened file (double click it or select the corresponding Open action for that) will be shown within the separate sub-tab, so you can switch between them without closing the previous one, which makes it more convenient to explore the file system.

Moreover, to simplify the operation of file management and editing, use the appropriate Search option available on top of the panel.
Just type the required piece of text to find and highlight all matches throughout your file. Use the additional options to narrow the search results even further:

- Match Case: allows performing a case-sensitive search.
- Regex: enables regular expressions for the search conditions specification.
4. After you’ve finished file edits, don’t forget to save changes you’ve made with a corresponding button at the top. Herewith, in case you are working with a layer of multiple nodes, you’ll be additionally asked whether it’s required to save the made changes only for the current instance or for all instances.

PLEASE NOTE: While saving the made changes in any config file, the confirmation pop-up will appear. If you feel confident and want to skip this message in the future, tick the “Do not show this dialog again” option.
As a result, all further edits will be instantly saved without re-asking for confirmation. This setting will be applied for all types of config files in all of your environments.
5. To make changes on some other node within the same layer, you can use the automatically fetched drop-down list at the top of the manager’s left part.

PLEASE NOTE: the already opened files will be automatically reloaded for the corresponding nodes upon switching.
That’s all of the main file manager functions, which, hopefully, will greatly help you during your work with our Cloud Platform.
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