How to Remove a Domain in cPanel

When the user wants do not wish to continue his domain, he needs to remove the domain. We can avail, this feature from cPanel If you’re ending a project, shutting down a business, or selling a domain name, you may find that you need to remove it from your hosting account. Note: You should make […]

How To Create An Email Filter In cPanel

Email filters allow you to set incoming emails that match specified rules to automatically filter to a certain email address, perform a specific action on the email, or delete the email. Below are the steps to create an email filter in cPanel 1. Login to cPanel. 2. Navigate to Email Filters in the Email section. […]

How to change PHP settings in cPanel servers support multiple versions of PHP. PHP as you must be aware is a scripting language. You can modify related settings yourself through the cPanel. You may need to change the version or change some PHP resource limits – all that is possible. cPanel provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your PHP settings. Here’s […]

How to Delete a MySQL Database in cPanel

MySQL is a widely-used open-source database management tool that enables users to efficiently manage their databases. Through its user-friendly interface, users can create, edit, delete, and manage existing MySQL databases with ease. To delete an existing MySQL database, users need to access the MySQL Databases section in cPanel. Below are the initial steps to follow […]

How to Repair a MySQL Database in cPanel

MySQL is an open-source database management tool and it allows users to manage databases. By manage, users can create, edit, delete or make changes in the databases.  To repair existing MySQL Databases, users need to open MySQL Databases in cPanel. Below are the steps that can be followed to delete a database in cPanel – […]