The Top 10 Remarketing Platforms in 2024 and Beyond

The Top 10 Remarketing Platforms in 2019 and Beyond

These days, businesses simply cannot afford to miss out on the wide range of marketing opportunities available. Staying up-to-date with the most effective techniques and methods of generating sales and improving online conversion rates is crucial. With Internet usage at an all-time high and people accessing the Internet through their smartphones for large portions of the day, online marketing has become particularly important for businesses of all sizes.

There are so many different digital marketing channels and features available that small businesses can struggle to keep up with the changes. Even if you were up-to-date with the latest technology a few years ago, the landscape quickly evolves, and new marketing methods replace outdated ones. If you are not familiar with the most effective marketing strategies, then the simple truth is that you are losing money.

If you do not have a full-time marketing or digital team at your disposal, you could miss out on massive opportunities presented by the latest and most valuable online marketing methods. Investing time in social media marketing, email segmentation, and having a well-designed website will pay off in the long term if you can master even just some of the basic principles. SEO and paid traffic are two other areas that you should spend some time understanding, as they reap very high rewards when executed well. For more insights into these strategies, check out our comprehensive guide on SEO and digital marketing.

Introducing remarketing…

Another marketing strategy that is very popular right now is remarketing, which focuses on capturing a potential customer a second, third, or even fourth time. This technique involves placing cookies onto a website visitor’s browser, which then tracks their activity across different websites. By collecting data on the specific products they are viewing, businesses can use this information to deliver targeted ads that promote products the visitor has shown interest in.

Let’s take an example: You are looking for a new pair of running shoes and you visit the Adidas website. You click on a pair of shoes to get more information and view different images. Maybe you add them to your online shopping cart but don’t complete the purchase, perhaps because you don’t have your payment card handy or you’re unsure if you definitely want them.

An hour later, you visit another website to catch up on sports news, and an ad pops up featuring those exact running shoes. A coincidence? No, that is the power of cookies and remarketing. As a business, utilizing this information helps you secure more sales by reminding potential customers about products they were considering. Your business stays in their mind when they decide a few weeks later that they do want those running shoes, prompting them to return to your website.

In a nutshell, that is how remarketing works. It is also sometimes referred to as retargeting, given its nature of targeting potential customers at a later date.

Here are 10 top remarketing/retargeting platforms that you should know about:

1. Google AdWords Remarketing

We don’t need to tell you how powerful Google is, but when it comes to remarketing, they excel just as they do in many other areas. Google describes their remarketing service as a way of showing ads to people who have visited your website or used your mobile app. Remarketing helps to reconnect with these visitors after they have left your site by displaying ads that are relevant to their interests.

When using Google Ads, you can create targeted lists of people, such as those who added a product to their shopping cart but did not complete the checkout process. One of the significant benefits of using Google Ads for remarketing is its high success rate in terms of ROI, providing a substantial return on your investment. Creating an ad is straightforward, thanks to Google’s comprehensive Ad Gallery that has everything set up and ready for you.

Google Ads offers different types of remarketing:

  • Standard Remarketing: Showing ads to previous website visitors as they browse other websites.
  • Dynamic Remarketing: Enhancing relevance by showing ads that include specific products or services visitors viewed on your site.
  • Remarketing Lists for Search Ads: Displaying your ad to Google users when they are searching for your product or service.
  • Video Remarketing: Showing ads to people who have watched your YouTube videos or other video content.
  • Customer List Remarketing: Uploading lists of contact details to Google, enabling ads when these users interact with various Google products.

For more details on how to set up and maximize your Google Ads remarketing campaigns, visit the official Google Ads website.

2. Facebook Retargeting (Custom Audiences)

The social media giant Facebook is another leader in the remarketing domain. One of the major benefits of choosing Facebook for your retargeting needs is the platform’s massive reach, boasting over 1 billion active users. This extensive user base allows you to connect with a vast and diverse audience, making your retargeting efforts highly effective.

Facebook’s Custom Audiences is an extension of the popular Facebook Ads platform. It works by creating a Facebook pixel that you add to your website. This pixel tracks visitors and allows you to build custom audiences based on their interactions with your site. You can create specific audience lists based on the pages they visit, or even target people from your email subscription list.

Key features of Facebook Retargeting include:

  • Website Custom Audiences: Target users who have visited specific pages on your website, enabling you to show them ads related to their interests and interactions.
  • Email List Retargeting: Upload your email subscription list to Facebook to reach your subscribers with tailored ads when they browse Facebook.
  • Lookalike Audiences: Find new potential customers by targeting people who have similar characteristics to your existing custom audiences, expanding your reach even further.
  • Dynamic Ads: Show personalized ads that include the specific products or services users viewed on your website, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

With Facebook’s powerful retargeting capabilities, you can effectively re-engage potential customers and drive more conversions. For more information on how to set up and optimize Facebook Retargeting, visit the official Facebook Business website.

3. Instagram Retargeting Ads

With Instagram being owned by Facebook, it comes as no surprise that they offer a highly effective retargeting service. Instagram boasts over 300 million active users, including top celebrities who share pictures and stories with their followers. This immense popularity makes Instagram an excellent platform for retargeting ads.

Instagram’s retargeting works similarly to Facebook’s, leveraging the same Facebook Ads account to set up your target audience and launch retargeting campaigns. By using Instagram retargeting ads, you can reach a highly engaged audience and re-engage potential customers who have previously interacted with your brand.

Key features of Instagram Retargeting Ads include:

  • Integrated Facebook Ads Account: Use your existing Facebook Ads account to create and manage Instagram retargeting campaigns, streamlining the process and allowing for consistent cross-platform marketing.
  • Visual Appeal: Leverage Instagram’s visually-driven platform to create compelling ads that capture the attention of users with high-quality images and videos.
  • Custom Audiences: Target users who have visited specific pages on your website, interacted with your Instagram profile, or are on your email subscription list.
  • Dynamic Ads: Show personalized ads featuring the specific products or services users viewed on your website, increasing the likelihood of conversions.
  • Story Ads: Utilize Instagram Stories to create engaging, full-screen ads that appear between user stories, providing a unique opportunity to capture attention.

With Instagram’s growing user base and visually engaging platform, retargeting ads on Instagram can significantly enhance your marketing efforts and drive more conversions. For more information on setting up and optimizing Instagram Retargeting Ads.

4. Twitter (Tailored Audiences)

With the Twitter remarketing solution, you can re-engage your audience by installing a Twitter pixel onto your website to collect the cookie IDs of visitors and match them to Twitter users. Twitter Tailored Audiences allows you to create highly targeted campaigns based on specific user interactions and data. This retargeting tool can be used in three different ways:

  1. Lists: Target specific users by uploading lists of email addresses or Twitter usernames. This method is particularly useful for reaching out to your existing customer base or followers with tailored ads.
  2. Web: Focus on users who have visited your website by utilizing Twitter’s website tag. This method tracks visitors and allows you to show them relevant ads on Twitter, based on their interactions with your site.
  3. Mobile Apps: Use data collected from user activity on your mobile app to retarget users. This approach helps you re-engage app users with ads tailored to their in-app behavior and preferences.

Key benefits of using Twitter Tailored Audiences include:

  • Precise Targeting: Reach specific groups of users based on their online behavior, ensuring your ads are highly relevant and engaging.
  • Increased Engagement: Reconnect with users who have already shown interest in your brand, products, or services, increasing the chances of conversion.
  • Cross-Platform Retargeting: Combine Twitter Tailored Audiences with other retargeting strategies across different platforms to create a cohesive and comprehensive marketing campaign.
  • Customizable Ad Formats: Utilize various ad formats available on Twitter, such as Promoted Tweets, Promoted Accounts, and Promoted Trends, to deliver your message effectively.

By leveraging Twitter Tailored Audiences, you can create targeted and effective retargeting campaigns that drive engagement and conversions. For more information on setting up and optimizing Twitter Tailored Audiences, visit the official Twitter Business website.

5. ReTargeter

ReTargeter offers a comprehensive suite of solutions for remarketing, including Facebook, Web, CRM, Audience, Dynamic Retargeting, and Search options. According to the ReTargeter website, their best-in-class technology helps brands reach the 98% of web traffic that they are unable to convert into customers.

ReTargeter operates by placing a pixel (a small piece of code) on your website to identify and track your visitors. Once identified, these visitors are targeted with your business ads as they browse the Internet. This approach ensures that your brand stays top-of-mind for potential customers who have already shown interest in your products or services.

ReTargeter is particularly suited for larger websites that attract over 30,000 unique visitors each month and those with a substantial marketing budget. This makes it a powerful tool for established businesses looking to maximize their conversion rates through advanced retargeting strategies. For smaller businesses or those just starting with retargeting, it may be beneficial to explore more cost-effective options initially.

Key features of ReTargeter include:

  • Multi-Platform Solutions: Utilize a range of retargeting options across different platforms, including Facebook and web retargeting, to reach your audience wherever they are.
  • Advanced Targeting: Create targeted ads based on specific criteria such as geographic location, demographics, and even customer income levels, ensuring highly relevant and personalized ad experiences.
  • Dynamic Retargeting: Show personalized ads featuring the exact products or services that visitors viewed on your website, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  • Audience Segmentation: Segment your audience based on various parameters to deliver more precise and effective retargeting campaigns.

By leveraging ReTargeter’s advanced technology and extensive targeting capabilities, businesses can significantly improve their chances of converting web traffic into paying customers. For more information on how to get started with ReTargeter, visit the official ReTargeter website.

6. AdRoll

AdRoll prides itself on offering a comprehensive range of digital marketing techniques, making it a versatile tool for businesses of all sizes. AdRoll seamlessly integrates with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify and Magento, as well as marketing tools such as MailChimp and Marketo. This integration allows you to effectively re-engage customers who have abandoned their shopping carts, recommend products, and use display ads to remind people about your website.

AdRoll’s technology is notably powerful, capable of processing over 34 million signals into 2.5 million marketing predictions every second. This advanced capability helps you create highly targeted and efficient marketing campaigns. AdRoll integrates with major platforms like Google and Facebook, along with thousands of marketplaces and exchanges, as well as email, to drive more conversions from your web visits.

Key features of AdRoll include:

  • Multi-Platform Integration: Connect with e-commerce sites like Shopify and Magento, and marketing tools like MailChimp and Marketo, ensuring a cohesive marketing strategy across all your channels.
  • Abandoned Cart Recovery: Re-engage customers who have abandoned their shopping carts with targeted ads and product recommendations, increasing the chances of conversion.
  • Dynamic Product Recommendations: Show personalized product recommendations based on user behavior and preferences, enhancing the shopping experience and boosting sales.
  • Comprehensive Display Ads: Use display ads to remind visitors about your website and products, keeping your brand top-of-mind.
  • Advanced Predictive Technology: Utilize AdRoll’s technology that processes millions of signals to create highly accurate marketing predictions, optimizing your campaigns for better performance.
  • User-Friendly Dashboard: Monitor the success of your campaigns with AdRoll’s simple and intuitive dashboard, featuring easy-to-use reports that provide valuable insights into your marketing efforts.

AdRoll’s robust features and seamless integrations make it an excellent choice for businesses looking to enhance their digital marketing efforts and drive more conversions. For more information on how to get started with AdRoll, visit the official AdRoll website.

7. Perfect Audience

Perfect Audience is a comprehensive retargeting solution that offers Mobile Retargeting, Dynamic Retargeting, Web Retargeting, and Facebook Retargeting. By installing a tracking code onto your website, you can harness the power of Perfect Audience to collect valuable data, such as website and page visitors, individuals who clicked on an event, or those who opened your emails. This versatile platform works across a number of top networks including Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Google, Bing, and Rubicon.

Perfect Audience enables you to re-engage your website’s users once they leave your site through over 13 billion daily retargeting ad impressions. A standout feature of Perfect Audience is its ability to allow you to partner with other businesses and serve ads to their audience lists, expanding your reach even further.

Key features of Perfect Audience include:

  • Multi-Platform Retargeting: Utilize Mobile, Dynamic, Web, and Facebook Retargeting to reach your audience across various platforms and devices.
  • Extensive Network Integration: Reach users on top networks including Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Google, Bing, and Rubicon, ensuring a broad and effective retargeting campaign.
  • Data Collection: Collect and analyze data from website visitors, event clicks, and email opens to create highly targeted retargeting campaigns.
  • Partner Audience Lists: Collaborate with other businesses to serve ads to their audience lists, increasing your advertising reach and potential conversions.
  • High Ad Impressions: Benefit from over 13 billion daily retargeting ad impressions, ensuring your ads are seen by a wide audience.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Described by digital marketing guru Neil Patel as one of the easiest and simplest retargeting solutions, Perfect Audience is ideal for those new to retargeting.

Perfect Audience also offers a 14-day free trial, allowing you to experience its features firsthand and determine if it meets your retargeting needs. To learn more and start your free trial, visit the official Perfect Audience website.

8. Sitescout (Basis DP)

SiteScout (Basis DSP) is a robust retargeting solution that operates by adding a pixel to your website’s landing page to create an audience list. This platform is particularly effective for businesses that can generate larger audience lists, with a recommended minimum of 1,000 visitors to ensure optimal performance.

SiteScout offers various retargeting services, with mobile retargeting being one of the most popular. Mobile retargeting works by building an audience list using device IDs, allowing you to target users across different devices effectively. This approach ensures that your ads reach users no matter where they are or what device they are using.

Key features of SiteScout (Basis DSP) include:

  • Audience List Creation: Create detailed audience lists by adding a pixel to your website’s landing page, enabling precise retargeting campaigns.
  • Mobile Retargeting: Target users on mobile devices by building audience lists using device IDs, ensuring your ads reach users on their preferred devices.
  • Extensive Exchange Integration: Integrates with major ad exchanges such as Rubicon, Oracle Data Cloud, and OpenX, providing a broad reach and enhancing your campaign’s effectiveness.
  • Scalability: Ideal for businesses with larger audience lists, making it a powerful tool for scaling up your retargeting efforts and maximizing your reach.

SiteScout’s integration with top exchanges and its focus on mobile retargeting make it a versatile and powerful choice for businesses looking to enhance their retargeting campaigns. For more information on how to leverage SiteScout for your retargeting needs, visit the official SiteScout website.

9. GEVME Email: Mailing lists

GEVME Email: Mailing Lists is a powerful retargeting solution specifically designed for event marketers. This tool helps you re-engage an audience by targeting individuals who have attended similar events in the past or those who have shown interest by adding tickets to their shopping cart but not completing the purchase.

GEVME Email offers several key features to optimize your email marketing campaigns:

  • Audience Identification: Identify and target individuals who attended similar events previously or those who abandoned their ticket purchase, maximizing your chances of conversion.
  • Optimal Timing: The solution analyzes the best time to send your email marketing campaigns to ensure the highest open and engagement rates.
  • Targeted Messaging: Craft targeted messages that resonate with your audience, increasing the likelihood of re-engagement and ticket sales.
  • Professional Email Templates: Curate attractive and professional-looking emails using customizable templates. These templates are easy to use and allow you to add your own details to personalize the content effectively.

By leveraging GEVME Email’s advanced features, you can create highly effective email marketing campaigns that drive event attendance and engagement. For more information on how to use GEVME Email for your event marketing needs, visit the official GEVME website.

10. Criteo

Criteo is a leading retargeting solution favored by major companies like BMW and Sony. Known for its extensive reach and high-quality inventory, Criteo’s web retargeting services cover 16,000 publishers, providing a vast network for your ads. This includes popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Google, as well as a large number of individual publishers.

Key features of Criteo include:

  • Extensive Publisher Network: Access a wide range of publishers, ensuring your ads reach a broad and diverse audience. This extensive network includes major platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Google, maximizing your ad visibility.
  • High-Quality Inventory: Benefit from premium ad placements that enhance your brand’s presence and improve ad performance.
  • Advanced Targeting: Utilize sophisticated targeting options to reach potential customers based on their behavior and interactions with your website, increasing the likelihood of conversions.
  • Dynamic Retargeting: Show personalized ads that feature the exact products or services viewed by users, making your retargeting efforts more relevant and effective.
  • Comprehensive Analytics: Gain insights into your campaign performance with detailed analytics, helping you optimize your strategies for better results.

One of the standout benefits of choosing Criteo is their robust support channels. They are renowned for providing excellent customer support through an easy-to-use knowledge base and an efficient email ticket support service. This ensures that you have access to the information and assistance you need to make the most of your retargeting campaigns.

For more information on how to leverage Criteo’s powerful retargeting solutions for your business, visit the official Criteo website.

How to choose your remarketing solution

Selecting the right remarketing solution is crucial for your digital marketing success. Just like many other digital marketing channels, remarketing should be chosen based on the specific requirements of your business. There is no single ‘Best Retargeting Solution’ because different tools are designed to cater to different needs—some are tailored for small businesses with limited website traffic, while others are geared towards global enterprises.

Budget Considerations: First and foremost, determine your available budget and explore solutions that fit within it. Your budget may grow over time, allowing you to transition to a more advanced remarketing provider. However, for now, it’s essential to evaluate how well each solution aligns with your business strategy and financial constraints.

Understanding Your Target Audience: Your target audience should be at the heart of your remarketing strategy decision. If your products appeal to the typical demographics of Instagram users, for example, then Instagram retargeting should be a significant part of your decision process. Spend time defining and understanding your target audience and the online platforms they frequent the most.

Platform Familiarity: If you are already familiar with Google Ads or Facebook Ads, or if a particular platform plays a key role in your social media marketing strategy, it might make sense to choose the one you are most comfortable with, provided it meets your needs. Leveraging your existing knowledge can streamline the implementation process and improve campaign efficiency.

Research and Trials: Before making your final decision, conduct thorough research. Look for solutions that offer free trials or free services. Use this trial period to evaluate the effectiveness of the tool and determine whether it offers good value for money. Take advantage of this time to test the platform’s features, user interface, and customer support.

Long-Term Perspective: It’s important to remember that retargeting ROI can take months rather than weeks to materialize. Effective tracking and monitoring are key to making the right adjustments to your campaigns for long-term success. Therefore, jumping from one retargeting solution to another when you don’t see immediate results is not recommended. Commit to a strategy and give it time to yield measurable outcomes.

By carefully considering your budget, understanding your audience, leveraging familiar platforms, and conducting thorough research, you can choose a remarketing solution that best fits your business needs and sets you up for long-term success.

For more insights on digital marketing strategies and tools, check out our comprehensive guide on digital marketing.