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Guide to Remote Desktop Connections

In order to access our hosted desktop services, at least initially, you need to connect using a remote desktop application, using Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). Many people will have never used this feature that is included with every version of Windows since XP. This guide will help to explain the technology, the different platforms […]

How to build a high availability Apache Cluster

As websites grow and visitor numbers increase it becomes a requirement to scale your hosting environment to add flexibility and reliability. Using this guide we are going to look at how to scale Apache to support redundant nodes, load balancing and data syncing. High Availability Apache Cluster Apache is used by 35% of all web […]

Understanding the different types of web hosting

If you want to build a website, open an online store, or start a blog, then you’ve probably already realized that you’re going to need a web hosting plan to do so. You might have even checked out a few hosting companies to see what you can expect to pay. However, you may also be […]

Guide to Integration Platform as a Service: What is iPaaS?

Cloud computing has changed the way we access and organise information. For large companies that are operating complex systems with multiple software packages across multiple environments, there is a need for unity and integration. This is where integration platform as a service (iPaaS) services comes into play. iPaaS is a set of automated tools that […]

The Complete Guide to Mobile Platform as a Service (mPaaS)

Mobile Platform as a Service (mPaaS) is an on-demand, on-premise solution that allows IT departments to focus on their core competencies while developers concentrate on creating mobile applications. This platform simplifies the entire app development process, providing a streamlined environment for building, testing, and deploying mobile apps efficiently. With mPaaS, developers can effortlessly pu...

Application Platform as a Service: What Is It?

When developing an application for web or mobile, a developer needs much more than just a good idea. We think of mobile applications as something that you download and deploy remotely, but this isn’t the whole picture. Developers also need the infrastructure to host their applications and the tools to build them. Purchasing each component […]